Legal warning
Identification data
You are visiting the website owned by Miguel Angel Isano , with registered office at Calle adressadors 10, 46001, Valencia, with NIF no. X3628390W, registered in the Mercantile Registry of VALENCIA.
web hosting
You can contact Restaurante Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar by any of the following means:
Manāw Nikkei Bar Restaurant – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar
Calle adressadors 10, 46001, Valencia, Spain.
Telephone: +34 960 691 63
Contact email:
These conditions (hereinafter Legal Notice) are intended to regulate the use of the website that it makes available to the public.
The access and/or use of this web page of THE HOLDER attributes the condition of USER, who accepts, from said access and/or use, the general conditions of use reflected here. These conditions will be applicable regardless of the general contracting conditions that may be mandatory.
Use of the website provides access to a multitude of information, services, programs or data on the Internet belonging to Restaurante Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar or its licensors to which the USER may have access.
The USER assumes responsibility for the use of the website. This responsibility extends to the registration that is necessary to access certain services or content. In said registry, the USER will be responsible for providing real and lawful information. As a result of this registration, the USER may be given a password for which he will be responsible, undertaking to make diligent and confidential use of it.
The USER undertakes to make appropriate use of the content and services (eg chat services, discussion forums or newsgroups) that THE OWNER offers through its portal and (including but not limited to), not to use them for:
- Carry out illegal activities, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order
- Difundir contenidos o propaganda de carácter racista, xenófobo, pornográfico-ilegal, de apología del terrorismo o atentatorio contra los derechos humanos
- Provocar daños en los sistemas físicos y lógicos de El TITULAR, de sus proveedores o de terceras personas, introducir o difundir en la red virus informáticos o cualesquiera otros sistemas físicos o lógicos que sean susceptibles de provocar los daños anteriormente mencionados
- Intentar acceder y, en su caso, utilizar las cuentas de correo electrónico de otros usuarios y modificar o manipular sus mensajes
- Utilizar el sitio web ni las informaciones que en él se contienen con fines comerciales, políticos, publicitarios y para cualquier uso comercial, sobre todo el envío de correos electrónicos no solicitados.
Restaurante Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar tiene el derecho de retirar todos aquellos comentarios y aportaciones que vulneren el respeto a la dignidad de la persona, que sean discriminatorios, xenófobos, racistas, pornográficos, que atenten contra la juventud o la infancia, el orden o la seguridad pública o que, a su juicio, no sean adecuados para su publicación. En cualquier caso, EL TITULAR no será responsable de las opiniones vertidas por los usuarios a través de los foros, chats, u otras herramientas de participación.
Protección de datos
Todo lo relativo a la política de protección de datos se encuentra recogido en el documento de política de privacidad.
Contenidos. Propiedad intelectual e industrial
Restaurante Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar es propietario de todos los derechos de propiedad intelectual e industrial de su página web, así como de los elementos contenidos en la misma (a título enunciativo: imágenes, fotografías, sonido, audio, vídeo, software o textos; marcas o logotipos, combinaciones de colores, estructura y diseño, selección de materiales usados, programas de ordenador necesarios para su funcionamiento, acceso y uso, etc.), titularidad del TITULAR o de sus licenciantes.
Todos los derechos reservados. De acuerdo con lo establecido en los artículos 8 y 32.1, párrafo segundo, de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, quedan expresamente prohibidas la reproducción, la distribución y la comunicación pública, incluida su modalidad de puesta a disposición, de la totalidad o parte de los contenidos de esta página web, con fines comerciales, en cualquier soporte y por cualquier medio técnico, sin la autorización del TITULAR.
El USUARIO se compromete a respetar los derechos de Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial titularidad del TITULAR. Podrá visualizar los elementos del portal e incluso imprimirlos, copiarlos y almacenarlos en el disco duro de su ordenador o en cualquier otro soporte físico siempre y cuando sea, única y exclusivamente, para su uso personal y privado. El USUARIO no podrá suprimir, alterar, eludir o manipular cualquier dispositivo de protección o sistema de seguridad que estuviera instalado en las páginas de Restaurante Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar.
Exclusión de garantías y responsabilidad
El USUARIO reconoce que la utilización de la página web y de sus contenidos y servicios se desarrolla bajo su única responsabilidad. En concreto, a título meramente enunciativo, Restaurante Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar no asume ninguna responsabilidad en los siguientes ámbitos:
- a) La disponibilidad en el funcionamiento de la página web, sus servicios y contenidos y su calidad o interoperabilidad.
- b) La finalidad para la que la página web sirva a los objetivos del USUARIO.
- c) La infracción de la legislación vigente por parte del USUARIO o terceros y, en concreto, de los derechos de propiedad intelectual o industrial que sean propiedad de otras personas o entidades.
- d) La existencia de códigos maliciosos o cualquier otro elemento informático dañino que pudiera causar daños al sistema informático del USUARIO o de terceros. Es responsabilidad del USUARIO, en todo caso, disponer de herramientas adecuadas para la detección y desinfección de estos elementos.
- e) El acceso fraudulento a los contenidos o servicios por terceros no autorizados, o, en su caso, la captura, eliminación, alteración, modificación o manipulación de los mensajes y comunicaciones de cualquier clase que dichos terceros pudieran realizar.
- f) La exactitud, veracidad, actualidad y utilidad de los contenidos y servicios ofrecidos y la utilización posterior que de ellos haga el USUARIO. Restaurante Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar pondrá todos los esfuerzos y medios razonables para facilitar la información actualizada y fehaciente.
- g) Los daños producidos a equipos informáticos durante el acceso a la página web y los daños producidos a los USUARIOS cuando tengan su origen en fallos o desconexiones en las redes de telecomunicaciones que interrumpan el servicio.
- h) Los daños o perjuicios que se deriven de circunstancias ocurridas por caso fortuito o fuerza mayor
En caso de que existan foros, en el uso de los mismos u otros espacios análogos, ha de tenerse en cuenta que, los mensajes reflejan únicamente la opinión del USUARIO que los remite, que es el único responsable. Restaurante Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar no se hace responsable del contenido de los mensajes enviados por el USUARIO.
Modificación de este aviso legal y duración
Restaurante Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar se reserva el derecho de realizar sin previo aviso las modificaciones que considere oportunas en su portal, pudiendo cambiar, suprimir o añadir tanto los contenidos y servicios que se presten a través de la misma como la forma en la que éstos aparezcan presentados o localizados en su portal.
La vigencia de las citadas condiciones irá en función de su exposición y estarán vigentes hasta que sean modificadas por otras debidamente publicadas.
En el caso de que en se incluyesen enlaces o hipervínculos a otros sitios de Internet, EL TITULAR no ejercerá ningún tipo de control sobre dichos sitios y contenidos. En ningún caso EL TITULAR asumirá responsabilidad alguna por los contenidos de algún enlace perteneciente a un sitio web ajeno, ni garantizará la disponibilidad técnica, calidad, fiabilidad, exactitud, amplitud, veracidad, validez y constitucionalidad de cualquier material o información contenido en ninguno de dichos hipervínculos u otros sitios de Internet. Igualmente, la inclusión de estas conexiones externas no implicará ningún tipo de asociación, fusión o participación con las entidades conectadas.
Derecho de exclusión
Restaurante Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar se reserva el derecho a denegar o retirar el acceso a portal y/o los servicios ofrecidos sin necesidad de advertencia previa, a instancia propia o de un tercero, a aquellos usuarios que incumplan el contenido de este aviso legal.
Restaurante Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Barperseguirá el incumplimiento de estas condiciones así como cualquier utilización indebida de su portal ejerciendo todas las acciones civiles y penales que le puedan corresponder en derecho.
Legislación aplicable y jurisdicción
La relación entre Restaurante Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar y el USUARIO se regirá por la normativa española vigente. Todas las disputas y reclamaciones derivadas de este aviso legal se resolverán por los juzgados y tribunales competentes.
Privacy Policy
Browsing this website implies full acceptance of the following provisions and conditions of utilization. The use of cookies will be accepted. If you do not agree, send an email to
The updated version of this privacy policy is the only one applicable during the duration of the use of the site web until there is no other version to replace it.
The User who provides personal data through this web page is informed of their incorporation into the files of that will be conveniently registered in the registry of the Protection Agency of data, or, if required, in the registration of the treatments carried out on said data.
For more complementary information on the protection of personal data, we invite you to consult the website of the AEPD (Spanish Data Protection Agency)
Data collection
Your data is collected by Manāw Nikkei Bar Restaurant – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar.
A personal data refers to all the information referring to an identified natural person or identifiable (affected person). An identifiable person is understood to be a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, especially by reference to a name, an identification number (DNI, NIF, NIE, passport) or to one or more specific elements, specific to their physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social.
The data that will be collected in general are: Name and surnames, address, email, telephone number, date of birth, data related to means of payment. Other types of data may be collected data being informed by the User.
For what purpose is your personal data processed?
The purpose of processing the personal data that may be collected is to use them mainly for Manāw Nikkei Bar Restaurant – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar for managing your relationship with you, to be able to offer you products and services according to your interests, improve your user experience and where appropriate, for the treatment of your requests, requests or orders. A business profile will be developed based on to the information you provide. No automated decisions will be made based on said profile.
The data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained, as long as it is not requested. by the interested party its deletion, or during the years necessary to comply with legal obligations.
They will be recorded in the client file and their treatment will be recorded in the treatment register that must bring Manāw Nikkei Bar Restaurant – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar (before May 25, 2018 could also be included in the file prepared with the personal data registered in the AEPD (Agency Spanish Data Protection) or competent body of the respective Autonomous Community).
What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data?
The legal basis for the treatment of your personal data is:
– The correct execution or fulfillment of the contract
– The legitimate interest of the HOLDER
– The consent of the user or client for the processing of their data
– Compliance with a legal obligation: GDPR
– The fulfillment of a mission or exercise of public powers: Data Protection Law
To which recipients will the data be communicated?
The personal data of the User may eventually be communicated to third parties related to Manāw Nikkei Bar Restaurant – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar by contract for the realization of the tasks necessary to manage your account as a customer and without having to give your authorization.
Also when communications had to be made to the authorities in case the User had made actions contrary to the Law or breached the content of the legal notice.
The User’s data may be communicated to other group companies, if any, for administrative purposes internal that could suppose a treatment of these data.
The User’s personal data may be transferred to a third country or an international organization, but must inform you when that transfer is going to take place, and of the conditions of the same and of the recipient.
When some data is required to access specific functionalities of the website, Restaurant Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar will indicate this mandatory nature at the time of collecting User data.
When browsing this site, cookies from of the site in question and / or third-party companies,
they can be deposited on your computer, tablet or mobile phone. During the first navigation, a banner will appear
explanation about the use of cookies.
Therefore, by continuing to browse, the User will be considered informed and will have accepted the use of
said “cookies”. The consent granted will be valid for a period of thirteen months.
For more information see our cookie policy.
User rights
The user is informed of the possibility of exercising their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition. Each person also has the right to limit the treatment related to their person, of a right of elimination of transfer of personal data transmitted to the person in charge of the treatment and of the right to data portability.
The user has the possibility of presenting a claim before the AEPD (Spanish Agency for the Protection of Data) or competent body of the respective Autonomous Community, when a solution has not been obtained satisfactory in the exercise of her rights by means of a letter addressed to her.
Unless the User objects, by sending an email to the email address, your data may be used, if applicable, to send information commercial for Manāw Nikkei Bar Restaurant – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar.
The data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or during the necessary years to comply with legal obligations.
The User is responsible for the information provided through this website to be true, answering for the accuracy of all the data that it communicates and will keep it updated so that it reflects a real situation, being responsible for false or inaccurate information provided and for damages, inconvenience and problems that could be caused to Restaurant Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar or to third parties.
This information will be stored and managed with due confidentiality, applying security measures information necessary to prevent access or improper use of your data, its manipulation, deterioration or loss.
However, the User must bear in mind that the security of computer systems is never absolute. When personal data is provided over the internet, such information may be collected without your consent and processed by unauthorized third parties. Restaurant Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar declines, any type of responsibility for the consequences of these acts may have for the User, if he published the information voluntarily.
You can access and exercise these rights by means of a written and signed request that can be sent to address Plaza Verdum, 13, San Antonio de Benagéber, 46117, Valencia, Spain, attaching a photocopy of the DNI or equivalent document.
The request may also be sent to the following email:
These rights will be taken care of, within a period of 1 month, which may be extended to 2 months if the complexity of the application or the number of applications received so requires. All this without prejudice to the duty to conserve certain data in the legal terms and until the possible responsibilities derived from a possible treatment, or, where appropriate, of a contractual relationship.
In addition to the above, and in relation to data protection regulations, users who request it, they have the possibility to organize the destination of their data after their death.
Cookie Policy
Use of cookies
The website owned by Restaurant Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar uses cookies.
Cookies are files that are downloaded to your computer when you access certain web pages. The cookies They allow a web page, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or her computer and, depending on the information they contain and how you use your computer.
In addition, they improve your browsing process, since they allow the web page to offer the user information that may be of interest to you depending on the use you make, the content of it.
If you do not want to receive cookies, please configure your Internet browser so that it deletes them from the disk your computer’s hard drive, block them or warn you if they are installed. To continue without changes in cookie settings, simply continue on the website.
The cookies we use do not store any personal data, nor any type of information that may identify you, unless you want to register, voluntarily in order to use the services we put at your disposal or to receive information about promotions and content of your interest.
When browsing our website for the first time, a banner will appear explaining the use of cookies. by continuing on our website indicates that you are consenting to the use of the aforementioned cookies, and in the conditions contained in this cookie policy. This consent is valid for a period of 13 months. In case If you do not agree, send an email to
Types and purpose of cookies
Cookies, depending on their permanence, can be classified as:
- Session cookies: expire when the user closes the browser.
- Persistent Cookies: they expire depending on when the objective for which they serve is fulfilled (for example, so that the user remains identified on the website and its services or when manually deleted).
Cookies based on their purpose can be classified as follows:
- Performance cookies (technical and personalization): This type of cookie remembers your preferences for the tools found in the services, so you don’t have to go back to configure the service each time you visit. By way of example, this typology includes: volume of video or sound players and video transmission speeds that are compatible with your browser.
- Geo-location cookies: These Cookies are used to find out in which country you are found when a service is requested. This Cookie is completely anonymous, and is only used to help orient the content to its location.
- Registration Cookies (technical and personalization): Registration Cookies are generated by
once the user has registered or subsequently opened his session, and are used to identify him in
services with the following objectives:
- Keep the User identified so that, if you close a service, the browser or the computer and in another time or another day re-enters said service, it will continue to be identified, thus facilitating its navigation without having to re-identify. This functionality can be suppressed if the user presses the functionality “close session”, so that this Cookie is deleted and the next time you enter the service the user will have to log in to be identified.
- Check if the user is authorized to access certain services, for example, to participate in a contest.
- Analytics cookies: Every time a User visits a service or information on the page
website or a tool from an external provider (Google Analytics, Comscore and the like that may be added to this
list in case they vary in relation to the current ones) generates an analytical cookie on the user’s computer
Username. This cookie, which is only generated during the visit, will be used on future visits to the page’s services.
website to anonymously identify the visitor. The main objectives pursued are:
- Allow the anonymous identification of browsing users through the cookie (identifies browsers and devices, not people) and therefore the approximate accounting of the number of visitors and their trend over time.
- Anonymously identify the most visited content and therefore the most attractive to users.
- Know if the user who is accessing is new or repeat visit. Important: Unless the user decides register in any service or content of the web page, the cookie will never be associated with any data of personal character that can identify you. These Cookies will only be used for statistical purposes. that help optimize the user experience on the website.
- Own advertising cookies: They are used to manage the owner of the web page if a User has visited or not the advertising that she has included. They also allow the management of advertising spaces in the page storing data of the User’s behavior in the navigation to be able to offer advertisements advertising.
- Third-party advertising cookies: In addition to the advertising managed by the website in its contents or services, it may offer its advertisers the option of serving advertisements through third parties (“AdServers”). In this way, these third parties can store cookies sent from the contents of the page web coming from the Users’ browsers, as well as accessing the data stored in them. The companies that generate these Cookies have their own privacy policies.
How to block or delete installed cookies
You can allow, block or delete the cookies installed on your computer by configuring the your browser options. You can find information on how to do it, in relation to the most popular browsers common, in the links that are included below:
Chrome: en&answer=95647
We inform you, however, of the possibility that the deactivation of any cookie prevents or hinders the navigation or the provision of the services offered on the website.
The website owned by Restaurant Manāw Nikkei Bar – Manāw Brasas & Wine Bar you can modify this cookie policy based on legal requirements, or in order to adapt said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency.
For this reason, we advise users to visit it periodically. When changes occur significant in this cookie policy, they will be communicated to users either through the web or through email to registered users.